
“What we speak becomes the house we live in. Who will want to sleep in your bed, if the roof leaks right above it.

Look what happens when the tongue cannot say to kindness, “I will be your slave”.

The moon covers her face with both hands and can’t bear to look.”

— Hafiz


Fascinated by the peaceful way the moon wears the scars of a violent past, Lucy sculpts in an effort to explore this contrast, with aggression and gentleness in equal measure. These works initially require a dynamic building up of plaster, suggestive of the bombardment of the moon’s surface by meteor strike, though some sculptural effects such as the ‘collapsed lava tunnels’ require a more planned and controlled approach. Lucy will usually work from above, in constant movement around a piece so there is often no ‘right way up’ to her work. Finding a balance between the conflicting actions of applying and wearing away, of working violently as opposed to calmly, and viscerally as opposed to mindfully is key to this work and the overall effect is a stasis - a paused, harmonious moment in that creative process.


Freeze Thaw

